We're a group of five students from Roosevelt Academy enrolled in the Urban Geography course of professor Tasan-Kok. This blog is meant for our classmates and we'll regularly post about the progress of our research project here.

maandag 26 maart 2012

Update 26 March

Here's a small update on the progress of our work.
Three weeks ago we went to Antwerp for some fieldwork in our area: Eilandje. It was a very useful and productive day. We mainly walked around and talked to a lot of people there; semi-structured interviews. This helped us form an idea about the regeneration project in the Eilandje area. The average opinion of the people there was that the restructuring took long, but that it would be for the better in the end. We found out some pretty interesting things about how supply and demand can drive up the costs of land by talking to a real estate agent. All in all it was a good day.

This Wednesday we will visit the Kop van Zuid area in Rotterdam, to compare the restructuring programme there to the one in Antwerp.

Today we finished our literature review. These are the sources that we are planning to use so far: